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In: Africa Development Forum Series
Front Cover -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Editors and Contributors -- Main Messages -- Executive Summary -- Abbreviations -- Overview -- The Untapped Economic Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa's Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources -- The Legacy and Lessons from Africa's Commodity Price Boom and Bust -- Unlocking the Mining Sector's Economic Potential through Regional Integration and the African Continental Free Trade Area -- Looking Ahead to Africa's Resource Future -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 1 The Untapped Economic Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa's Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources -- Introduction -- The Significant Rise in Resource-Rich Countries across Africa in the Past Two Decades -- The Untapped Resource Potential of Africa -- Unlocking SME Potential in the Mining Sector -- Conclusions -- Policy Recommendations -- Annex 1A Analysis of Trade Elasticities -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 2 The Legacy and Lessons of Africa's Commodity Price Boom and Bust -- Introduction -- Outcome 1: Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Africa Collapsed Once Commodity Prices Fell -- Outcome 2: Poverty Has Deepened in Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Outcome 3: Inequality Has Persisted in Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan African Countries -- Outcome 4: Despite Significant Earnings during the Boom, Resource-Rich Africa Failed to Diversify Its Economies -- Export Concentration: The Boom Drove Increased Export Concentration -- Asset Concentration: What Happened to the Wealth of Nations? -- Outcome 5: Governance Was an Important Determining Factor in Outcomes for Resource-Rich Countries -- Governing New Discoveries and Managing Expectations: The Risk of the Presource Curse -- Managing Macroeconomic Risks -- Resource-Backed Loans Carry Hidden Risks -- Conclusions: Insights from the Boom-and-Bust Cycle -- Notes -- References.
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