
A Nexus Approach for Sustainable Development: Integrated Resources Management in Resilient Cities and Multifunctional Land-use Systems

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Chapter 1. Use of The Nexus Approach as a Tool for Resources Management in Resilient Cities and Multi-functional Land Use Systems (Hülsmann and Jampani) -- Chapter 2. How to Best Apply Information Technology to Realize a Transdisciplinary Water-Soil-Waste Nexus Approach (Bouma) -- Chapter 3. Nutrient Recovery for Use in Agriculture: Economic Assessment of Decentralized Compost Business Model in Nairobi (Gebrezgabher, Taron and Amewu) -- Chapter 4. Sustainable and Safe Reuse of Wastewater for Food Production in Peri-urban Areas of Karnataka, India (Ramakrishna and Hanisch) -- Chapter 5. Multi-functional Historical Data for Improved Management of Reservoirs (Sang and Maina) -- Chapter 6. Usefulness of Surface Water Retention Reservoirs Inspired by 'Permaculture Design'. A Case Study in Southern Spain Using Bucket Modelling (Fiebrig and Van De Wiel) -- Chapter 7. Economic Valuation of Environmental Services Associated with Agriculture in the Watershed of Lake Lagdo, Cameroon (Nje and Ayuk) -- Chapter 8. he Energy-Water Nexus in Iran: The Political Economy of Energy Subsidies for Groundwater Pumping (Jaghdani and Kvartiuk) -- Chapter 9. Political Economy of Energy Subsidies for Groundwater Irrigation in Mendoza, Argentina (Riera, Brümmer and Gennari) -- Chapter 10. Rural Resources (Including Forestry) in the Local Development of Low Carbon Economy: a Case Study of Poland (Wiśniewski) -- Chapter 11. Opportunities and Challenges to Adopt Sustainable Watershed Management Interventions: An Overview of Experiences from Ethiopia (Tesfahunegn and Ayuk) -- Chapter 12. The Potential Contribution of Cultural Ecological Knowledge in Resources Management of a Volcanic River Basin (Ariyanti, Scholten and Edelenbos) -- Chapter 13. Nexus-Oriented Approach for Sharing Water Resources: Development of Eco-industrial Parks in the Catchment of Zayandeh Rud River, Iran (von Koerber, Raber and Schneider) -- Chapter 14. City-to-City Learning within City Networks to Cater City Needs to Climate Adaptation - Results of a Preliminary Study (Haupt, Zevenbergen and van Herk) -- Chapter 15. A Participatory Multi-stakeholder Approach to Implementing the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Findings (Eichhorn, Hans and Schön-Chanishvili).

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A Nexus Approach for Sustainable Development: Integrated Resources Management in Resilient Cities and Multifunctional Land-use Systems

In: Springer eBook Collection



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A Nexus Approach for Sustainable Development: Integrated Resources Management in Resilient Cities and Multifunctional Land-Use Systems



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