Population, Agriculture, and Biodiversity: Problems and Prospects
Intro -- Contents -- Contributor Biographies -- Acknowledgment -- Introduction | Peter H. Raven, J. Perry Gustafson, and Paul R. Ehrlich -- Population, Resources, and the Environment: The Situation in 2019 | Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich -- Food for 10 Billion Possibilities and Probabilities | Nina V. Fedoroff -- Trade's Contribution to Global Food Security | Kym Anderson -- Feeding a World in the Wake of Climate Change and Resource Constraints: Selecting an Appropriate Farm-Level Response Strategy | James N. Blignaut and Avi Perevolotsky -- Climate Change and Food Security | Mathew Abraham and Prabhu Pingali -- Globalized Agriculture and Tropical Deforestation | Derek Byerlee -- Advances in the Potential Yield of Grain Crops | Tony Fischer -- Physiological Breeding for Climate Change | Matthew Reynolds, Sivakumar Sukumaran, Francisco Pinto, and Gemma Molero -- Adaptive Wild Cereal Genomic Resources for Crop Improvement | Eviatar Nevo -- Genome Engineering Techniques: Opportunities and Challenges | Wendy Harwood -- The Problem of Insecticide, Fungicide, and Herbicide Resistance in Agricultural Crop Pests | Michael J. Christoffers and Robert P. Sabba -- Rethinking Water on a Growing, Hungry planet | Kate A. Brauman -- Livestock Impact on Biodiversity | Amy E. Young, Luke T. Macaulay,Stephanie R. Larson, and Alison L. Van Eenennaam -- Agriculture and Pollution: Sharing the Crowded Two-Way Street | David I. Gustafson and Russell L. Jones -- The Impact of Agriculture on Global Biodiversity | Stuart L. Pimm and Varsha Vijay -- Index.