
The Patient as a Person: An Integrated and Systemic Approach to Patient and Disease

In: New Paradigms in Healthcare



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Section 1 - Between the doctor and the patient -- 1. Between the doctor and the patient: the history of the relationship -- 2. Between the doctor and the patient: the ancient conceptions of philosophy as medicine -- 3. Between the doctor and the patient: origins of an intermediate world -- 4. A systemic approach to health and disease: the interaction of individuals, medicines, cultures and environments -- 5. The ward as a scene -- 6. Between the doctor and the patient: the role of the unconscious in the relationship -- 7. Between the doctor and the patient: Bioethics -- 8. Between the doctor and the patient: consent and trust -- 9. Between the doctor and the patient: big data and precision medicine -- 10. Rehabilitation after a disease: what is "normality" after an invalidating disease? -- Section 2 - The patient as a person and the disease -- 11. Toward patient care: integrative and complementary approaches -- 12. Human complexity: a symphony of vital rhythms -- 13. Spirituality in medicine: a new dimension in the light of a millennial tradition -- 14. The body of Descartes and humanism in medicine -- 15. The history of narrative medicine. A way to know the patient dimension between Apollonian and Dionysian -- 16. To care for a patient as a person: emotional architecture of the environment -- 17. Beauty Saves. Culture Cures -- 18. An integrated and systemic approach to the patient: beyond Evidence Based Medicine -- 19. Medicine: a science in-between -- 20. A dialogue between the philosopher and the doctor.

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