
Healthy Relationships: Your Questions Answered

In: Q&a Health Guides



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Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Series Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Guide to Health Literacy -- Common Misconceptions about Healthy Relationships -- Questions and Answers -- Dating and Attractiveness -- 1. How can I tell if I am ready to date or seek a partner? -- 2. How do I cope with loneliness? -- 3. What can I do to be noticed by potential partners? -- 4. How do I "ask someone out" without feeling awkward? -- 5. Will asking out a friend ruin the friendship? -- 6. Are dating or hookup apps a good way to meet potential partners? -- 7. Is a "hookup" or "friends with benefits" arrangement right for me? -- 8. How do I keep the conversation going on a first date? -- 9. How do I respond to others who are pressuring me to date or become sexually active if I don't feel ready? -- 10. Does dating someone from a different background present any unique challenges? -- Building Connection and Trust -- 11. How can my partner and I feel more connected to each other? -- 12. Is it important that my partner and I have the same interests or hobbies? -- 13. How can my partner and I learn to speak the same "love language?" -- 14. What are the barriers to connection, and how are they overcome? -- 15. How can my partner and I build trust? -- 16. Are monogamy and nonmonogamy equally healthy options for me? -- Sexual Health -- 17. What are the ingredients of a healthy sex life? -- 18. Are masturbation and pornography use healthy while in a relationship? -- 19. How can I reduce the risks associated with sexual activity, including unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections? -- 20. What is sexual assault, and how can I avoid perpetrating it or becoming a victim of it? -- 21. Who can I talk to about pregnancy, sex, or sexual health without others finding out? -- Healthy Boundaries.

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Healthy relationships: your questions answered

In: Q&A health guides

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