Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): A Clinical Guide
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Chapter 1 COVID-19: Epidemiology -- Origin -- Animal Host -- Infectivity and Incubation -- Modes of Transmission -- Overview -- Respiratory Droplets -- Aerosolization -- Direct Surface Contact and Fomites -- Fecal-Oral -- Bloodborne -- Semen and Vaginal Secretions -- Asymptomatic Transmission -- Virulence and Mortality -- Case Fatality Rate -- Serial Interval -- Reproduction Number/Reproduction Ratio -- Excess Mortality -- Demographics -- Overview -- Age -- Sex -- Race and Ethnicity -- Disease Prevention -- Vaccinations -- Personal Protective Equipment: Respirators and Masks -- Physical Distancing -- Hand and Surface Sanitation -- Adequate Ventilation of Indoor Spaces -- Use of Outdoor Spaces -- Global Impacts -- Distribution -- International Response -- Future Outbreaks -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 2 COVID-19: Virology -- Coronaviruses -- Taxonomy -- Morphology -- Nucleic Acid -- Antigenicity -- SARS-CoV-2 -- Morphology and Nucleic Acid -- Spike Protein -- Origin -- Viral Transmission -- Variants -- References -- Chapter 3 COVID-19: Laboratory/Serologic Diagnostics -- Molecular Diagnostics for COVID-19 -- Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing -- RT-qPCR -- RT-LAMP -- CRISPR-Based Techniques -- Sequencing Techniques -- Antigen Testing -- Viral Culture -- Antibody Testing for COVID-19 -- Principles of Antibody Testing -- Antibody Assays for SARS-CoV-2 -- Assay Target Selection -- Binding Assays -- Neutralization Assays -- Antibody Assay Sensitivity and Specificity -- Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection -- Kinetics of Antibody Response -- Antibody Response and Disease Severity -- Duration of Immunity -- Current and Potential Applications of Antibody-Based Tests in SARS-CoV-2 -- Management of Individual Disease and Sequelae Monitoring.