
Education sector plans and their implementation in developing countries: a comparative analysis

In: Routledge research in international and comparative education

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"This book examines the factors affecting the successful implementation of Education Sector Plans in developing countries. It offers a detailed comparison that draws on data from 27 countries to offer careful research conclusions and policy recommendations. Offering a detailed comparison of education plans from developing countries using empirical evidence, the book examines the resources that have been invested in different education sectors, investigating the development and success of each plan. The volume uses correlation analysis to compare factors including the availability of government funding; national characteristics; ministerial decisions; influences of country and donor stakeholders; as well as district- and school-level issues. Thorough comparative analysis of the data is then demonstrated, with two measures of achievements to identify which can be considered as the most important in order to reach realistic policy and research conclusions. Timely and engaging, this book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduate students in the field of education and international development, comparative education and international education more broadly"--

Weitere Versionen:


Education sector plans and their implementation in developing countries: a comparative analysis

In: Routledge research in international and comparative education

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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