
European Climate Diplomacy in the USA and China: Embassy Narratives and Coalitions

In: Diplomatic Studies



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Intro -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1 "God, Guns and Green Growth: Narratives and Coalitions in European embassies' Climate Diplomacy in the USA and China" -- Notes -- Chapter 2 Climate Change and Diplomacy -- 1 Globalisation in Diplomacy Studies: New Actors, New Issues -- 1.1 "Diplomacy Means Business": Multinational Corporations and Diplomats -- 1.2 Paradiplomacy & -- Public Diplomacy -- 1.3 Domestic Parliaments and Environmental Negotiations -- 1.4 European Diplomacy -- 2 Evaluation of Diplomacy Effectiveness -- 3 Critical Perspectives on Climate Diplomacy -- 3.1 The Epistemic Community of Diplomats Construct Meanings -- 3.2 Gramscian Views of Hegemony - and the Role of Diplomacy in This Hegemony -- 3.3 Diplomats in Advanced Liberal Governmentality -- 3.4 Depoliticisation through Signifiers - Laclau and Mouffe -- 3.5 Implications for Climate Diplomacy: "Everything Can Stay as Before" -- 3.5.1 Corporations Key to Explain International Climate Regime We Have -- 3.5.2 Green Capitalism and Simulative Politics -- 3.5.3 Ecological Modernisation and Greentech -- 4 Conclusion -- Notes -- Chapter 3 Ministerial Structures Impacting Climate Diplomacy -- 1 Germany -- 1.1 Environmental Diplomacy and the Auswärtiges Amt (AA) -- 1.2 Other Ministries: Ministry of Environment (BMU) and Trade Ministry (BMWi) -- 1.3 German-British Climate Diplomatic Collaboration -- 2 United Kingdom -- 2.1 Environmental Diplomacy and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) - Part I: 1990s and Early 2000s -- 2.2 Other Ministries: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR), Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) -- 2.3 Environmental Diplomacy and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Part II: Late 2000s -- 2.4 Special Programme Funds -- 3 Denmark.

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European climate diplomacy in the USA and China: embassy narratives and coalitions

In: Diplomatic studies volume 17



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