The Ethical Leader: Why Doing the Right Thing Can Be the Key to Competitive Advantage
Cover -- Contents -- List of Figures -- 1 Creating Value: Why Ethical Leadership Is the Future -- Why be ethical? -- Lessons learned -- The structure of the book -- 2 Shades of Grey: Understanding Ethics -- What ethics is -- Blackley shipyard: What would you do? -- Individual ethics -- Deontology: The difference between right and wrong -- Consequentialism: The difference between good and bad -- Pragmatism: The moral ecology -- Virtue ethics: What kind of person do you want to be? -- Moral responsibility -- So what? -- 3 Purpose and Value: What Makes an Ethical Leader? -- The power of relationships -- Purpose and value -- Back to the future -- Rowntree-ism -- People of principle -- Moral courage -- 4 Turning Ethical Principles into Value -- How value is created -- How the process works -- 5 The Ethical Value Chain -- Establishing the ethical position -- Communicating values and standards -- Motivating others -- Monitoring ethical performance -- Maple Leaf Foods: The public interest -- Tata Finance: Saying it from the heart -- Ensuring continuity -- Summing up -- 6 The Source of Our Prosperity: Employees -- Leading people ethically -- Virtue and authenticity -- Carl Zeiss Jena -- Oneida Community -- Infosys -- 7 Value and Trust: Customers -- Markets and value -- Brands and trust -- Consumers and the ethical value chain -- Tanishq -- Thomas Cook -- Nationwide -- 8 Virtue and Wealth: Community -- Do no evil -- Investing in people and places -- Demonstrating commitment -- Shanghai Volkswagen -- Fairmont Yangcheng Lake -- Saltaire -- 9 Value Is What You Get: Shareholders -- Long-termism -- The shareholder value chain -- 10 Making Ethical Decisions -- The Nash framework -- The Josephson Institute framework -- The Markkula Center framework -- The Flat White framework -- Decision making and risk -- 11 If Not Now, When?