
Gender dynamics in transboundary water governance: feminist perspectives on water conflict and cooperation

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1. --Introduction: en-.gendering water diplomacy --2. -- Aninterview with Dr. Mariana Yumbay Yallico, human rights activist in Ecuador --3. --Is academic knowledge production on transboundary water studies in South Asia Gender Neutral? --4. -- Agendered perspective on the multiple scales of water conflict --5. --Thinking through networks: towards a feminist water diplomacy --6. --Adopting a transformative approach to gender equality in the Nile Basin: lessons learned --7. --In the shadows: gender in transboundary water policies --8. --Gendered river basin institutions: the Chu-Talas Commission in Central Asia --9. --Assessing transboundary water governance in the Rhine through a gender lens: the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine --10. -- Therole of gender in the transboundary water governance of the Nile Basin --11. --Negotiating water: lived experiences of female practitioners --12. --Conclusion: insights on gender dynamics in transboundary water governance.

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Gender dynamics in transboundary water governance: feminist perspectives on water conflict and cooperation

In: Earthscan studies in water Resource management



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Gender dynamics in transboundary water governance: feminist perspectives on water conflict and cooperation

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Gender dynamics in transboundary water governance: feminist perspectives on water conflict and cooperation

In: Earthscan studies in water Resource management



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Open Access



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Gender Dynamics in Transboundary Water Governance: Feminist Perspectives on Water Conflict and Cooperation

In: Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management



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