Sex Discrimination in Uncertain Times
Preliminary -- Acknowledgments -- Contributors -- Preface -- Part I. A Silver Anniversary -- Opening Address I. Dr Helen Watchirs OAM -- Opening Address II. Hon. Susan Ryan AO -- Opening Address III. Chris Ronalds AM, SC -- Part II. Then and Now -- 1. The Sex Discrimination Act and its Rocky Rite of Passage. Margaret Thornton and Trish Luker -- 2. A Radical Prequel: Historicising the Concept of Gendered Lawin Australia. Ann Genovese -- 3. Women's Work is Never Done: The Pursuit of Equality and the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act. Marian Sawer -- 4. 'To Demand Equality is to Lack Ambition': Sex discrimination Legislation-Contexts and Contradictions. Susan Magarey -- Part III. Critiquing the SDA -- 5. The Sex Discrimination Act at 25: Reflections on the Past, Present and Future. Beth Gaze -- 6. The Sex Discrimination Act: Advancing Gender Equality and Decent Work? Sara Charlesworth -- 7. Reproducing Discrimination: Promoting the Equal Sharing of Caring Work in CEDAW, at the ILO and in the SDA. Caroline Lambert -- Part IV. Equivocations of Equality -- 8. Equality Unmodified? Reg Graycar and Jenny Morgan -- 9. And Which 'Equality Act' Would that Be? Simon Rice -- 10. Rethinking the Sex Discrimination Act: Does Canada's Experience Suggest we Should give our Judges a Greater Role? Belinda Smith -- 11. Equality as a Basic Human Right: Choice and Responsibility. Archana Parashar -- Part V. Women's Rights as Human Rights -- 12. Raising Women Up: Analysing Australian Advocacy for Women's Rights under International and Domestic Law. Susan Harris Rimmer -- 13. Can We Feminise Human Rights? Margaret Thornton -- 14. Sex, Race and Questions of Aboriginality. Irene Watson and Sharon Venne -- Acronyms and abbreviations -- Index.