Elder abuse and the public's health
In: Elder abuse and the public's health
Framing elder abuse as a public health problem / Jeffrey E. Hall and Pamela B. Teaster -- Elder abuse and the core function of public health : using the ten essential public health services as a framework for addressing elder abuse / Shalon Irving and Jeffrey E. Hall -- Elder abuse and the role of public health law and health services administration / Emmanuel. D. Jadhav and James W. Holsinger -- Intimate partner violence affecting older adults : public health implications / Holly Ramsey-Klawsnik -- American Indian perspectives, challenges, and approaches to elder abuse / Derrell W. Cox II and Lori L. Jervis -- Intersection of public health and non-traditional partners and approaches to address elder abuse / Georgia Anetzberger -- Initiatives, organizations, and efforts addressing elder abuse / Pamela B. Teaster, Jeffrey E. Hall, and Fatemeh Zarghami -- Public health, human rights, and global perspectives on elder abuse / Elizabeth Podnieks, Ph.D., Ryerson University, and Cynthia Thomas, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Committee on National Statistics -- Summations and concluding thoughts / Pamela B. Teaster and Jeffrey E. Hall