High Mountain Conservation in a Changing World
In: Advances in Global Change Research
Pyrenees; nature conservation; species distribution; lakes; forests
In: Advances in Global Change Research Ser. v.62
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Contributors -- Current Challenges of High Mountain Conservation -- 1 The High Mountain Conservation in a Changing World -- Abstract -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.1.1 Conservation in a Changing World -- 1.1.2 Vulnerability, Exposure, and Sensitivity -- 1.2 Mountain Exposure to Global Changes -- 1.2.1 Climate Change -- 1.2.2 Atmospheric Contaminants -- 1.2.3 Long-Distance Atmospheric Fertilization -- 1.2.4 Biotic Dispersal Enhancement -- 1.3 Mountain Exposure to Regional Changes -- 1.3.1 Pasture Shifting Systems -- 1.3.2 Conservation Versus Extraction -- 1.3.3 Tourism and Sport Pressures -- 1.4 High Mountain Idiosyncratic Sensitivity -- 1.4.1 Temperature Versus Water -- 1.4.2 Persistence Versus Migration -- 1.4.3 Regional Fingerprints -- 1.5 Conservation Synergies and Challenges -- 1.5.1 Conservation Versus Stewardship (Franciscans Vs. Benedictines) -- 1.5.2 Loss of Uniqueness -- 1.5.3 Functional Versus Phylogenetic Conservation -- 1.5.4 Size Matters -- 1.5.5 Local Contribution to Global Ecological Services -- 1.5.6 Conservation Beyond Conservation -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 2 Trade-offs in High Mountain Conservation -- Abstract -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Distinctive Features of Conservation in High Mountain Ecosystems -- 2.3 Conservation, Vulnerability and Trade-offs -- 2.4 Conservation Management of Exposure and Sensitivity in High Mountains -- 2.5 Managing Conflicting Goals -- 2.6 Complex/Interacting Controls of Trade-offs -- 2.7 General Concluding Remarks -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Developing a Historical Perspective of the High Mountain Social-Ecological System -- 3 Molecular Biogeography of the High Mountain Systems of Europe: An Overview -- Abstract -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Different Genetic Lineages Within High Mountain Systems -- 3.3 Genetic Links Between High Mountain Systems.
In: Advances in Global Change Research
Pyrenees; nature conservation; species distribution; lakes; forests
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