
Power and Time: Temporalities in Conflict and the Making of History

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Intro -- Contents -- Chronocenosis: An Introduction to Power and Time-Dan Edelstein, Stefanos Geroulanos, and Natasha Wheatley -- Part I. Temporal Pluralities in Conflict -- 1. Legal Pluralism as Temporal Pluralism: Historical Rights, Legal Vitalism, and Non-Synchronous Sovereignty-Natasha Wheatley -- 2. The Invention of the Muslim Golden Age: Universal History, the Arabs, Science, and Islam-Marwa Elshakry -- 3. Rise and Fall of the Sattelzeit: The Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe and the Temporality of Totalitarianism and Genocide-Anson Rabinbach -- 4. A Technofossil of the Anthropocene: Sliding Up and Down Temporal Scales with Plastic-Andrea Westermann -- Part II. Loops, Layers, Assemblages -- 5. Long Divided Must Unite, Long United Must Divide: Dynasty, Histories, and the Orders of Time in China-Zvi Ben-Dor Benite -- 6. The Temporal Assemblage of the Nazi New Man: The "Empty" Present, the Incipient Ruin, and the Apocalyptic Time of Lebensraum-Stefanos Geroulanos -- 7. Prehistory and Posthistory: Apes, Caves, Bombs, and Time in Georges Bataille-Maria Stavrinaki -- Part III. The Splintered Present -- 8. Brain-Time Experiments: Acute Acceleration, Intensified Synchronization, and the Belatedness of the Modern Subject-Henning Schmidgen -- 9. Cryopower and the Temporality of Frozen Indigenous Blood Samples-Emma Kowal and Joanna Radin -- 10. "Now Is the Time for Helter Skelter": Terror, Temporality, and the Manson Family-Claudia Verhoeven -- Part IV. Speed(s) -- 11. Legal Panics, Fast and Slow: Slavery and the Constitution of Empire-Lauren Benton and Lisa Ford -- 12. Time and the Economics of the Business Cycle in Modern Capitalism-Jamie Martin -- 13. History and Temporal Sovereignty in the Thought of Jawaharlal Nehru-Sunil Purushotham -- Part V. "Already Here Just Not Evenly Distributed": Heterochronies of the Future.

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Power and time: temporalities in conflict and the making of history



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Power and time: temporalities in conflict and the making of history



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Power and time: temporalities in conflict and the making of history

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