
Gender Equality in Changing Times: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Struggles and Progress



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Intro -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures and Tables -- 1: Introduction -- Book Structure -- References -- Part I -- 2: Female Role Models in a Male-Dominated Workplace: Do We Still Need Their Influence Today? -- Introduction -- Women's Under-Representation -- Role Models -- Conclusion -- References -- 3: "Oh, it's actually quite nice up here": Reflections on Prejudice, Partiality and Division and Moral Challenges to Inclusivity Created by Gender, Class and Region -- Context -- Problems with Bias -- Gender Bias -- Regional Bias -- Class Bias -- Conclusion -- References -- 4: Prisoners of Inclusivity: Perspective on Spirituality, Humanism and Place -- Introduction -- Research Approach -- Positioning Our Conversations: Spirituality, Humanism and Place -- Building the Prison of Inclusivity -- Revisiting the Prison of Inclusivity -- Researchers' Reflections -- References -- 5: A Critical Analysis of Masculinity During Mentoring in Contemporary Schools -- Masculinity and Contemporary Patterns of Maleness -- Gender Inequality and Education -- Males in Schools -- Methodology -- Male Participants -- Men Entering Teacher Training -- Analysis: The Intersectionality of Maturity and Gender -- Young Male Trainees -- Conclusions -- References -- 6: Understanding Gender Categorisation in a Binary Society -- Introduction -- Background to the Study -- Gender as a Category -- Gender Categories: "How Would You Describe Your Gender Identity?" -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II -- 7: "Enough of this PC-crazed Nonsense": The Backlash Against Gender Equality as Personified by Emma Watson -- Political Correctness -- Methodological Approach -- Anti-PC Disengagements -- Distancing Strategies -- Naming Practices -- Conclusions -- References -- 8: Agreement and Disagreement About Social Changes Regarding Saudi Women on Twitter -- Introduction.




Springer International Publishing AG



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