
Waste disposal in the oceans: minimizing impact, maximizing benefits

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Implications of the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) Report, The Role of the Oceans in Waste Management Strategy, Ocean Disposal and Monitoring, Tools for Effective Management of Disposal of Dredged Material in an Ocean Environment, Oil- and Gas-Associated Discharge in the Federal OCS, Small-Scale Oil Slick Modeling in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, The Application of Acoustics in Marine Monitoring, Implications of Water Quality to Phytoplankton Growth and Succession in New York Harbor, Ocean Disposal of Fish Processing Wastes off Los Angeles and American Samoa, Effects of Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese on Growth of Macrocystis Gametophytes and Sporophytes, Physiological Stress (Scope for Growth) of Mussels in San Francisco Bay, Bioaccumulation and Detoxification of Contaminants in Marine Organisms from Southern California Coastal Waters, Assessing the Effects of a Coastal Steam Electric Generating Station on Fishes Occupying Its Receiving Waters, Effects of Sewage Disposal on the Polychaetous Annelids at San Clemente Island, California, The Effect of the Change in Municipal Waste Treatment on Marine Benthic Communities, Hazards of On-Site Percolation and Package Treatment Plants to Local Coastal Water Quality: Policy and Planning Solutions, Ocean Disposal in the 1980s: The Role of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs)

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