Research Tracks in Urbanism
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- [Re]Urban practice, towards aEuropean research agenda for urbanism: Nature as reference, human as critical, process as fundamental -- Urbanism research (ongoing) in Latin America: Some keywords -- Portugal -- L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui special issues on Latin America, 1945-1975. Alook at its contents and the context of its production -- Types of land occupation in the urban periphery. Ibagué, Colombia, 1935 -- Fast urbanization and the commodities global market- The example of Parauapebas - Brazil -- Urban context's role in the emergence and development of social innovation -- Urban space and mobility: Adjustment towards more sustainable urbanism -- Public space and sustainability: Researching urban streets as citizen coexistence spaces -- Public space and social innovation- The project "Reinventar aRoda" -- City sense. Legibility from sensorial experiences in three squares of Barcelona -- ARQUITETURA magazine | IAB Brasil _1961 to 1968 -- Santa Fe-Paraná metropolitan area: Metropolis ofsecond order. Mobility of people dwelling - work and their strategies -- Threats and evictions: Dispossession and displacement in the center of São Paulo, Brazil -- Mobility, urban design and public space in intermediate cities -- Formation, dynamics and urban configuration of the metropolis of Recife -- Program for integral urbanization of favelas: Colinas D'Oeste- Osasco city- São Paulo State -- The urban palimpsest in three renewed neighborhoods of Santiago, Chile -- Brazil -- Social housing, real estate and environmental protection in Pará, Brazil -- Project strategies for territory development in degraded coastlines. The case of Caleta Tumbes, Talcahuano, Chile.