
Chinese economists on economic reform: Collected works of Du Runsheng

In: Routledge studies on the Chinese economy. Chinese economists on economic reform 4



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1. On a responsibility system for agricultural production (September 14, 1980) -- 2 Some opinions on rural economic policies (February 1981) -- 3. The historic transformation in [the Party's] rural work (September 4, 1982) -- 4. The household contract system linking remuneration to output represents a new development in the rural cooperative economy (November 13, 1982) -- 5. Explanations on some issues regarding current rural economic policies (December 31, 1982) -- 6. Explanation of the CPC Central Committee's notice on rural work in 1984 (December 18, 1983) -- 7. Several 'social objectives' behind developing a rural commodity economy (December 20, 1984) -- Getting rich first, later, and together (December 20, 1985) -- 9. Raise the economic standing of agriculture through reliance on science and technology (April 11, 1986) -- 10. Foreign-oriented development strategy for coastal regions (December 3, 1987) -- 11. Economic development in mountainous areas is a major focus for research (October 1988) -- 12. Reforms in socialist countries must pass the 'test of the market' and the 'test of democracy' (May 9, 1989) -- 13. The objective of reform : establish a market economy under socialist conditions (October 1992) -- 14. Cooperative shareholding systems featuring land-to-shares conversion (January 1994) -- 15. Reform of 'supply-and-marketing' cooperatives (November 7, 1995) -- 16. Stabilizing the household contract system : how to understand the 'two leaps' correctly (January 1996) -- 17. Adhere to strategies that allow for sustainable development (December 11, 1996) -- 18. Contracted family operations should be kept stable for a long time (October 27, 1998) -- 19. Farmers should be 'free men' (December 15, 1998) -- 20. Sustainable utilization of water resources (March 11, 1999) -- 21. Use the economy to motivate people, and use democratic politics to unite people (October 1999) -- 22. Historical status of small-and medium-sized enterprises (October 24, 1999) -- 23. Agricultural industrialization and 'dragon-headed' [leading] enterprises (November 10, 1999) -- 24. Thoughts on the Wenzhou economic model (May 25, 2000) -- 25. Brief remarks on innovation (July 18, 2000) -- 26. Prospects for a vitality of a 'mixed economy' (May 13, 2001) -- 27. Give farmers national citizenship (June 1, 2001) -- 28. Industry must repay agriculture (December 5, 2001) -- 29. Raise the degree to which farmers are represented through organizations (December 6, 2001) -- 30. A recommendation to exempt farmers from taxation (November 9, 2002) -- 31. The non-state-owned economy should be owned and operated by, and for the benefit of, the people (November 11, 2002).

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Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Du Runsheng

In: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy



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