
Cognitive Data Models for Sustainable Environment

In: Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing Ser.



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Front Cover -- Cognitive Data Models for Sustainable Environment -- Cognitive Data Models for Sustainable Environment: Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- 1 - Multidimensional controlling properties of biofabricated silver-nanoparticles on different mosquito species -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Silver nanoparticles synthesis -- 2.1 Plant-mediated synthesis -- 2.2 Microorganism-mediated synthesis -- 2.3 Animal products - mediated synthesis -- 3. Silver nanoparticles application on mosquito -- 3.1 AgNPs application on mosquito larvae -- 3.2 AgNPs application on mosquito pupae -- 3.3 AgNPs application on mosquito egg and adult -- 4. Research gaps -- 5. Conclusion -- Appendix A. Supplementary data -- References -- 2 - Machine learning-enabled cognitive approaches for handling IoT-based environmental data -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Cognitive IoT data-processing framework -- 3. Solution and technology overview -- 3.1 Data collection -- 3.2 Data storage -- 3.3 Data flow orchestration -- 3.4 Data analysis -- 3.5 Data visualization -- 3.6 Action -- 4. Experimental results and discussion -- 5. Last note -- 6. Future directions -- Appendix A. Supplementary data -- References -- 3 - Evolution of sustainable environment: a cognitive outlook -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Classification of smart materials -- 2.1 Piezoelectric substances -- 2.2 Thermosensitive substances -- 2.3 pH-sensitive substances -- 2.4 Chromogenic substances -- 2.5 Hydrogels -- 2.6 Magnetoresponsive substances -- 2.7 Optical fiber -- 2.8 Active and passive substances -- 3. Properties of smart materials -- 4. Application of smart materials -- 4.1 Application in the field of nanotechnology and acoustics -- 4.2 Application in the field of piezoelectric and electrochromic device.




Elsevier Science & Technology



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