
Landscapes of Music in Istanbul: A Cultural Politics of Place and Exclusion

In: Urban Studies

Open Access



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Cover -- Content -- Foreword -- Music, Urban Contestation, and the Politics of Place in Istanbul -- Rembetika as Embodiment of Istanbul's Margins Musical Landscapes in and of Transition -- "Poorness is Ghettoness" Urban Renewal and Hip-hop Acculturation in Sulukule, Istanbul -- The Âşıks Poet-minstrels of Empire, Enduring Voice of the Margins -- Rethinking the Institutionalization of Alevism Itinerant Zakirs in the Cemevis of Istanbul -- Afterword Gezi Park and Taksim Square as Musical Landscapes of Exclusion and Inclusion -- List of Contributors -- Index.

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