
Urban grassroots movements in Central and Eastern Europe

In: Cities and society series



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1. Introduction : the development of urban movements in Central and Eastern Europe / Kerstin Jacobsson -- 2. The playfulness of resistance : articulations of urban grassroots activism in post-socialist Vilnius / Beatriz Lindqvist -- 3. The ups and downs of a symbolic city : the architectural heritage protection movement in Bucharest / Ioana Florea -- 4. The elderly as a force for urban civil activism in Ukraine / Olena Leipnik -- 5. Urban grassroots, anti-politics and modernity : bike activism in Belgrade / Sabrina Kopf -- 6. Unsettling 'the urban' in post-Yugoslav activisms : 'right to the city' and pride parades in Serbia and Croatia / Bojan Bilic and Paul Stubbs -- 7. The performative logic of urban space contestation : two examples of local communities mobilisation in St. Petersburg / Elena Tykanova and Anisya Khokhlova -- 8. From 'local' to 'political' : the Kaliningrad mass protest movement of 2009-2010 in Russia / Karine Clement -- 9. Alliance building and brokerage in contentious politics : the case of the Polish tenants' movement / Dominika V. Polanska -- 10. Shaping the city and its inhabitants : urban activism in Slovakia / Alexandra Bituckov -- 11. Europeanisation and urban movements : political opportunities of community organisations in Lithuania / Jolanta Aidukaite and Kerstin Jacobsson.

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Urban grassroots movements in Central and Eastern Europe

In: Cities and society series

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Urban grassroots movements in Central and Eastern Europe

In: Cities and society

In: Cities and Society Ser.



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Urban grassroots movements in Central and Eastern Europe

In: Cities and society series

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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