
Marian devotion among the Roma in Slovakia: a post-modern religious response to marginality

In: Palgrave pivot



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Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: Traces of the Virgin Mary in the Modern World -- 'The Virgin Mother': The Conceptual Roots of Tradition -- The Traditional Virgin Mary -- Marian Flowers -- Marian Springs and Wells -- Astral Symbolism -- Healing Miracles, Wonder-Working Icons, Paintings, and Statues -- Mary as a Nation-Building Pillar -- The Voice from the Periphery: Ethnicised and Enculturated Mary -- Modern Mary -- Marian Century -- Mary on the Move -- Mary Moves People and the Economic Market -- Following and Echoing the Our Lady of Fatima -- Post-modern Mary as a Great Enchantress -- Post-communist Mary -- Post-communist Modernity and the 'Reinvented Tradition' -- Post-communist Marys -- References -- Chapter 2: Romani Christianity in Slovakia: Religiosity of Those on the Periphery -- Roma in Slovakia: The Silent and Invisible Minority -- Terminology: Endonym Versus Exonym -- Confessionality of the Roma in Slovakia -- Majoritarian Stereotypes -- Scholarly Views and Stereotypes -- Romani Christianity: A Definition -- Romani Christianity -- Traditional Romani Christianity -- Conceptual Framing of Traditional Romani Christianity -- Religiosity on the Periphery and Romahood -- References -- Chapter 3: Marian Devotion Among the Roma in Slovakia: Ethnicised and Enculturated Mary -- The Traditional Virgin Mary -- The Virgin Mary in Traditional Romani Christianity -- The Virgin Mary at Home -- Mary Here and Now as Part of Everyday Religion -- Chatting with Mary -- Holy and Miraculous: Images and Statutes -- Contracting the Virgin Mary -- Mary as a Guarantor of Social Order -- Overpraying, Cursing, and Mary -- Mary as a Protector and Healer -- Public Marian Chapels and Places of Devotion -- Chocolate Mary -- Chocolate Mary from My Fieldwork Journal -- References.

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Marian Devotion Among the Roma in Slovakia: A Post-Modern Religious Response to Marginality

In: Springer eBook Collection



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft





Palgrave Macmillan



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