
IVF and Assisted Reproduction: A Global History



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Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- 1: IVF and Assisted Reproduction: Global Visions, Local Stories -- Chapter Outline and Historical Overview -- Language, Narrative and Media -- The Power of Analogy -- Rights and Needs -- Words Unsaid -- Assisted Reproduction: An Intimate Industry -- 2: Towards the Two 1978 Births -- Disciplines and Imaginaries -- Clinical and Scientific Disciplines -- The IVF Imaginary -- Bringing Together Ideas and Materials -- Materials, Tools and Techniques -- Tortuous Paths to IVF -- Global Contexts, National Priorities -- 'Making' IVF 'Right': Technical Promises, Ethical Issues and Women Pioneers117 -- 'Assembling' for 'Success' in the UK and India -- Conclusions -- 3: The Foundations of Global Assisted Reproduction -- Fertility Drugs and New Patient Cohorts -- The First Bourn Hall Meeting -- Media Responses -- Institutionalising Assisted Reproduction: Associations, Meetings, Journals -- International Training -- Money -- Commercial Ties: Drugs and Devices -- News Media and Public Relations -- Nations, Natalism and Assisted Reproduction -- Population and Procreation -- Eugenic Thinking and Assisted Reproduction -- Conclusions -- 4: Regulation and Risk -- Early Regulatory Moves -- Regulatory Activism: The Role of Religion -- Religion and Compliance -- Religion, AR and 'Left' Versus 'Right' -- Regulatory Activism: Peer Regulation -- Regulatory Activism: Feminist Interventions -- Case Study: Italy's Law 40/2004 -- Soft Regulation, Risk Management and Compliance Strategies -- Clinical Risk: The Example of Multiple Births -- Multiple Births and Patients' Perspectives -- Donor Anonymity -- Success Rates -- Conclusions -- 5: Oocytes, Surrogacy and Cross-Border Reproduction -- Donation and Selling of Oocytes -- Egg Donation -- Egg Sharing -- Egg Selling -- Oocyte Provider Profiling.

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IVF and Assisted Reproduction: A Global History

In: Springer eBook Collection



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