
Urban Social Geography: an Introduction

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1: Social geography and the sociospatial dialectic -- 2: The changing economic context of city life -- 3: The cultures of cities -- 4: Patterns of sociospatial differentiation -- 5: Spatial and institutional frameworks: citizens, the state and civil society -- 6: Structures of building provision and the social production of the urban environment -- 7: The social dimensions of modern urbanism -- 8: Segregation and congregation -- 9: Neighbourhood, community and the social construction of place -- 10: Environment and behaviour in urban settings -- 11: Bodies, sexuality and the city -- 12: Residential mobility and neighbourhood change -- 13: Urban change and conflict -- 14: Whither urban social geography? Recent developments.

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Urban Social Geography: An Introduction



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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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