
Developing Teaching and Learning in Africa: Decolonising Perspectives



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Intro -- Foreword -- Decolonising Teacher Education in the New Decade -- Preface -- Context -- Developing Teaching in Africa: What about Teacher Education? -- Culture Impact on Knowledge -- How Do We Decolonise? -- Contributors -- Basic Education -- Chapter One: Basic Education and Decolonisation in South Africa: Preparing Schools for New Challenges -- Introduction: The Flight from Barbarism -- Contexts of Post-apartheid Education -- Why Decolonisation? -- Pedagogy Fit for Purpose: Mphahlele on Humanism in Education -- Ecologies of Knowledge: Eschewing the Dominant Culture -- Preparing Teachers for Liberatory Teaching -- Concluding Comments: Confronting Barbarism -- Chapter Two: Indigenising Mathematics in Schools: Why Ethnomathematics Matters -- Ethnomathematics Changing the Culture of Teaching -- Ethnomathematics - A Methodology for Decolonisation -- Multiculturalism and Ethnomathematics Classrooms -- Communication in Ethnomathematics Classrooms -- Connections drawn in Ethnomathematics Classrooms -- Games as Innovation in Ethnomathematics Classrooms -- Critical Indigenous Theory and Ethnomathematics -- Teaching Ethnomathematics -- South African Policies and the Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in Mathematics Lessons in the Foundation Phase -- Challenges of Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in the Mathematics Curriculum -- The Future of Ethnomathematics in South African Schools -- Conclusion -- Chapter Three: Decolonising Science: Challenging the South African Classroom through Indigenous Knowledge Systems -- From the Past to the Present: Demystifying Science -- Towards IKS Science: A Search for a HumanisingPedagogy -- African Experiences - Brief Literature Review -- IKS in Science Classrooms: Aiming at Critical Pedagogy -- Teacher Expertise and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) -- Conclusion.




African Sun Media



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