
Address variation in sociocultural context: region, power and distance in Italian service encounters

In: Topics in address research volume 2



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Intro -- Address Variation in Sociocultural Context -- Editorial page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Table of contents -- Table of contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 1. Theory behind address practices -- 1.1 Key concepts -- 1.1.1 Image -- 1.1.2 Common ground and closeness -- 1.1.3 Social distance -- 1.1.4 Power -- 1.1.5 Respect -- 1.1.6 Enhancing the interlocutor's image -- 1.1.7 Accommodation principle -- 1.1.8 Cultural context and situational context -- 1.1.9 Community of practice -- 1.2 Common practice -- 1.2.1 Competing practices in interactional contexts -- 1.2.2 Evolving practices in cultural changes -- 1.3 Practices as expression of identity -- 1.3.1 Personal and community preferences -- 1.3.2 Style and identity -- 1.3.3 Images, roles, and identity -- 1.4 An account of identity from sociocultural linguistics -- 1.4.1 Basic demographic level -- 1.4.2 Cultural and linguistic level -- 1.4.3 Situational and interactional level -- 1.5 Conclusions -- 2. Cultural and linguistic context of Italy -- 2.1 Regional cultures and identities -- 2.1.1 Development of Italian regional identities -- 2.1.2 What are Italian regions? -- 2.1.3 Some cultural models in post-war Italy -- 2.1.4 Macro-regions: North and south (and centre) -- 2.1.5 Italian regions in this study -- 2.2 Languages and dialects in Italy -- 2.2.1 Relationship between language and dialect in contemporary Italy -- 2.2.2 The case of the Sardinian language -- 2.2.3 Official data on reported dialect use -- 2.2.4 Regional varieties of Italian -- 2.2.5 Social prestige attached to varieties of Italian -- 2.3 Geography in studies on Italian address -- 2.3.1 Italy presented as one geographical area -- 2.3.2 Italy presented in macro-regions -- 2.3.3 Italy presented in smaller regions -- 2.3.4 Information about one geographical location -- Survey-based studies.

Weitere Versionen:


Address variation in sociocultural context: region, power and distance in Italian service encounters

In: Topics in address research volume 2

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Address variation in sociocultural context: region, power and distance in Italian service encounters

In: Topics in address research volume 2

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




John Benjamins Publishing Company



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