
Latino Civil Rights in Education: La Lucha Sigue

In: Series in Critical Narrative Ser.



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Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- CONTENTS -- Foreword-Latina(o) Civil Rights Movement: A Deferred Revolution -- Introduction -- 1 Latino Educational Civil Rights: A Critical Sociohistorical Narrative Analysis -- 2 Recognizing Inequality and the Pursuit of Equity: A Legal and Social Equity Framework -- 3 The Lemon Grove Desegregation Case: A Matter of Neglected History -- 4 The Meaning of Méndez -- 5 My Recollection of a Failed Attempt to Return the Schools to the Public -- 6 The BC 44, Ethnic Studies, and Transformative Education -- 7 Memoirs of El Centro: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement in Higher Education -- 8 The 1968 Los Angeles Chicano Walkout -- 9 La Lucha Sigue : An Interview with Dolores Huerta -- 10 I Am a Chicana, I Am Union, I Am an Activist: The Struggle for Cultural, Educational, and Linguistic Justice -- 11 Operation Chicano/a Teacher: A School-Based Teacher Equity Recruitment and Retention Program -- 12 I Don't Speak My Mother's Tongue -- 13 Becoming Me in the World -- 14 Proposition 227 and the Loss of Educational Rights: A Personal Perspective and Quest for Equitable Educational Programs for English Learners -- 15 Latinos and Social Capitalization: Taking Back Our Schools -- 16 Latino Parent Engagement: Struggle, Hope, and Resistance -- 17 A Concise History of the National Latino/a Education Research and Policy Project: Origins, Identity, Accomplishments, and Initiatives -- Afterword -- Appendix: A Chronology of Educational Experiences of Latinos in Latin America and the United States 1500s-2012 -- About the Authors -- National Latino/a Education Research and Policy Project: National Advisory Board Members -- Index.

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