
Population aging, intergenerational transfers and the macroeconomy

In: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive



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Economic and policy implications of population aging / Robert Clark, Andrew Mason, Naohiro Ogawa -- Population aging, changing retirement policies and lifetime earnings profiles in Japan / Robert Clark, Naohiro Ogawa, Rikiya Matsukura -- Firm productivity, work-force age and educational structure in Austrian industries in 2001 / Alexia Prskawetz, Bernhard Mahlberg, Vegard Skirbekk -- The effect of subjective survival probabilities on retirement and wealth in the United States / David E. Bloom, David Canning, Michael Moore, Younghwan Song -- Modeling the effects of population aging on consumption in the presence of intergenerational transfers / Heinrich. Hock, David N. Weil -- Transfers, capital and consumption over the demographic transition / Andrew Mason, Ronald Lee -- Effects of age structure on investment, saving and trade / Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg -- Population aging and health care spending in Japan : public- and private-sector responses / Naohiro Ogawa, Andrew Mason, Maliki, Rikiya Matsukura, Kazuro Nemoto -- Procreation, migration and tradable quotas / David de la Croix, Axel Gosseries -- Australia's future fund : a social welfare analysis / Ross Guest -- Is Asia prepared for an aging population? / Peter S. Heller.

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Population aging, intergenerational transfers and the macroeconomy

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