
Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices

In: Science and Cultural Theory



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Frontmatter -- Contents -- Complexities: An Introduction -- Romantic and Baroque Conceptions of Complex Wholes in the Sciences -- Which Road to Follow? The Moral Complexity of an ''Equipped'' Humanity -- On Space and Depth -- On Hidden Heterogeneities: Complexity, Formalism, and Aircraft Design -- In the Middle of the Network -- When Elephants Stand for Competing Philosophies of Nature: Amboseli National Park, Kenya -- Writing and (Re)writing Devices as Tools for Managing Complexity -- Cutting Surgeons, Walking Patients: Some Complexities Involved in Comparing -- The Disposal of Fear: Childhood, Trauma, and Complexity -- Contributors -- Index

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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft



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