Precarity and International Relations
In: International Political Economy Series
In: Springer eBook Collection
Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Precarity and the Nexus of Governmentality and Sovereignty -- Chapter 3: Biopolitics of Precarity -- Chapter 4: Notes on Abandonement -- Chapter 5: The Internationalization of Precarity? -- Chapter 6: Irregular Labor and the 'Life of the State' -- Chapter 7: Urban Informality and Precarity in the Modern International -- Chapter 8: Financing Precarity -- Chapter 9: Within the Factory of Mobility -- Chapter 10: Fashioning and Contesting Precariousness -- Chapter 11: Disability Counter-Communities -- Chapter 12: Perceptual Precarity and Butler's Ambivalent Social Bond -- Chapter 13: Precarity and the Struggle against Alienated Work -- Chapter 14: Conclusion.