
A companion to Juan Luis Vives

In: Brill eBook titles 2008

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Preliminary Material /Ch. Fantazzi -- Introduction /Charles Fantazzi -- Juan Luis Vives works and days /Enrique González González -- Vives and the Emarginati /Charles Fantazzi -- The social and political thought of Juan Luis Vives: Concord and counsel in the christian commonwealth /Catherine Curtis -- The De Disciplinis as a model of a humanistic text /Valerio Del Nero -- Vives's contributions to rhetoric and dialectic /Peter Mack -- Philosophical treatise on the soul: De Anima et Vita in the context of Vives's opus /Valerio Del Nero -- Author, adversary, and reader: A View of the de Veritate Fidei Christianae /Edward V. George -- Fame and oblivion /Enrique González González -- Select bibliography /Ch. Fantazzi -- Primary sources /Ch. Fantazzi -- Secondary sources /Ch. Fantazzi -- Index /Ch. Fantazzi.

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A companion to Juan Luis Vives

In: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition v. 12



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A companion to Juan Luis Vives

In: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition 12

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