
Behind the Enigma: The Authorised History of GCHQ, Britain's Secret Cyber-Intelligence Agency



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Cover -- Half-title Page -- Title Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- 1 The Origins of Modern British Sigint, 1844-1914 -- Comint and Empire -- Victorian Intelligence and the Information Revolution -- The Edwardian Roots of British Sigint -- Cryptography -- The Comint Revolution -- 2 Britain and the Birth of Signals Intelligence, 1914-18 -- The Emergence of Sigint -- The Emergence of Comint -- Sigint at Sea -- Military Sigint -- Blockade and Diplomatic Comint -- Siginters -- Women Siginters -- Sigint Alliances -- Sigint and British Victory -- 3 Whitehall's Black Chamber: British Cryptology and the Government Code & -- Cypher School, 1919-39 -- The Politics of Sigint -- Sigint Between the Wars -- The Government Code & -- Cypher School -- Interwar Siginters -- Military Sigint -- Defence -- Attack -- Codebreaking -- 4 Cryptanalysis and British Foreign Policy, 1919-39 -- Comint and Naval Arms Limitation, 1921-36 -- Judging the Effect of Diplomatic Comint -- Comint and British Policy in the Middle East, 1919-23 -- Conspiracies and Conspirators: 1919-22 -- The Chanak Crisis -- Comint at Chanak -- Lausanne and Later -- Comint and the Main Enemy, 1919-39 -- Intelligence, Appeasement and the Road to War, 1933-39 -- The Anti-Comintern Pact -- Comint and Strategy -- Conclusions -- 5 Bletchley -- Decline of a Black Chamber -- The Road to Bletchley Park -- The Limits to Preadaptation -- Diversity and Union -- The Turing Test -- Craft to Industry -- The Struggle for Sigint -- Sigint and Intelligence -- A Crisis in Comint -- The Problem of the Trinity -- Acting on Intelligence -- 6 Ultra and the Second World War, 1939-45 -- Axis Swords, British Shield -- The Turning Point -- Ultra and Its Enemies -- Sigint and Strike Warfare -- Sigint at Sea, 1940-43 -- Ultra and the Mediterranean Strategy -- Stormy Weather -- Tsunami.

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Behind the Enigma: the authorized history of GCHQ, Britain's secret cyber-intelligence agency

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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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