
The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 3: Phenomenology of Cognition



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Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Translator's Preface -- Translator's Introduction: A Phenomenology of Symbolic Creative Cognition: The Unfolding of the Symbolic Function and the Construction of a Pure Theory of the Symbolic -- Translator's Acknowledgments -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. The Matter [Materie] and Form of Cognition -- 2. Symbolic Cognition and its Significance for the Construction of the World of Objects -- 3. The "Immediacy" of Inner Experience: The Object of Psychology -- 4. Intuitive and Symbolic Cognition in Modern Metaphysics -- Part One: The Expressive Function and the World of Expression -- I Subjective and Objective Analysis -- II The Expressive Phenomenon as the Basic Element of Perceptual Consciousness -- III The Expressive Function and the Mind-Body-Problem [Leib-Seelen-Problem] -- Part Two: The Problem of Representation [Repräsentation] and the Construction of the Intuitive World -- I The Concept and the Problem of Representation [Repräsentation] -- II Thing and Property -- III Space -- IV The Intuition of Time -- V Symbolic Pregnance -- VI On the Pathology of Symbolic Consciousness -- 1. The Problem of the Symbolic in the History of the Theory of Aphasia -- 2. The Alteration of the World of Perception in Symptoms of Aphasia -- 3. Toward a Pathology of Thing Perception -- 4. Space, Time, and Number -- 5. The Pathological Disorders of Action -- Part Three: The Function of Signification and the Construction of Scientific Cognition -- I Toward a Theory of the Concept -- 1. The Whole of the "Natural World Concept" -- 2.Concept and Law: The Position of Concepts in Mathematical Logic: Class Concepts and Relation Concepts [Relationsbegriff]: The Concept as Propositional Function: Concept and Representation -- II Concept and Object -- III Language and Science: Thing Signs and Ordinal Signs.

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The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 3: Phenomenology of Cognition

In: The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms Series



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Taylor & Francis Group



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