
A thoroughly Canadian general: a biography of General H.D.G. Crerar



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""Contents""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Introduction""; ""Abbreviations""; ""Maps""; ""Map Credits""; ""1 Hamilton Roots""; ""2 Baptism of Fire""; ""3 The Killing Ground""; ""4 Learning the Game""; ""5 Stagnation""; ""6 The Politics of Preparedness""; ""7 Limited Liability War""; ""8 Chief of the General Staff""; ""9 Hong Kong and the Politics of Army Expansion""; ""10 Father of First Canadian Army""; ""11 Preparing 1st Canadian Corps""; ""12 Dieppe""; ""13 Replacing McNaughton""; ""14 Corps Command in Italy""; ""15 Taking Command of the Army""; ""16 First Canadian Army and Overlord""

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