
Genetic counseling practice: advanced concepts and skills

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Introduction / Bonnie S. LeRoy, Patricia Mccarthy Veach, and Nancy P. Callanan -- Complicated shadows : the limitations of autonomy in genetic counseling / Robert G. Resta -- Actively engaging with patients in decision-making / Andrea Shugar and Cheryl Shuman -- Risk assessment and communication : a complex process / Shannan Delany Dixon, MaryAnn W. Campion, and Claire N. Singletary -- A genetic counselor's guide to understanding grief / Nadia Ali and Cecelia Bellcross -- Patient anger : insights and strategies / Lynn Schema -- Resistance and adherence : understanding the patient's perspective / Krista Redlinger-Grosse -- Countertransference : making the unconscious conscious / Krista Redlinger-Grosse -- Supporting family communication about genetic conditions / Marion Mcallister, Rhona Macleod, and Alison Metcalfe -- Developmentally-based approaches for counseling children and adolescents / Stephanie Austin and Kelly Schoch -- Cultural competency and genetic counseling : key concepts / Nancy Steinberg Warren -- Cultural competency : application to genetic counseling / Nancy Steinberg Warren -- Education in genetic counseling : the impacts of genetic literacy and adult learning / Andrea L. Durst and Rachel Mills -- Adapting genetic counseling practice to different models of service delivery / Angela Trepanier and Dawn C. Allain -- "Oh the places you'll go!" The genetic counselor professional development journey / Catherine A. Reiser -- Development of the genetic counseling profession : a professionalization process / Bonnie Jeanne Baty

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Genetic Counseling Practice: Advanced Concepts and Skills



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Genetic Counseling Practice: Advanced Concepts and Skills



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9781119529859, 9781119529811

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