
European pork chains: diversity and quality challenges in consumer-oriented production and distribution

Open Access



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


In this book the results are presented of a comprehensive inventory of pork chains that has been conducted through expert interviews and in-depth case studies. The main focus of the book is on how well diverse and fragmented supply in the European pork sector matches differentiating demands for pork products in rapidly evolving markets. One of the central topics discussed in the book is management of quality in diverse mainstream and specialty European pork chains. Inter-enterprise information systems, governance forms, logistics and sustainability aspects of European pork chains are also presented, as well as a number of interesting innovations in the chains. 'European pork chains' consists of four chapters that discuss the European pork chain as a whole and nine chapters that present case studies. The latter comprise three specialty pork chains (Iberian ham from Spain, Mangalica pork from Hungary, and organic pork from the Netherlands) and three regional pork chains in Europe (a Greek integrated chain, the German 'Eichenhof' chain and the French 'Cochon de Bretagne' chain). To enable comparison with chains outside Europe, a review of pork chains in China, Canada, Brazil and South Africa has been included. The book gives a comprehensive picture of the structure, functioning and challenges of the European pork sector. It is intended to be a valuable source of information for practitioners as well as scientists

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European pork chains: diversity and quality challenges in consumer-oriented production and distribution

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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