
Positive social identity: the Quantitative analysis of ethics

In: Law, ethics and governance



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Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- How ethics, morality and identity are treated in this book -- Evolutionary motivations towards pro-social moral norms -- The social brain and moral self-identity -- Situation and transformation in the resolution of social dilemmas -- Intrapersonal identity positivity -- Positive social identity -- A situational model of positive social identity -- A situational analysis of positive social identity -- Conclusion: the distinct importance of positive social identity -- Bibliography -- Appendix 1: Data collected -- Appendix 2: Correlation between indicators of psid pro-social behviour and social resources -- Appendix 3: Equatio.

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Positive social identity: the quantitative analysis of ethics

In: Law, ethics and governance series

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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