
Lifestyle journalism: social media, consumption and experience



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Emerging roles of lifestyle journalism. Unpacking lifestyle journalism via service journalism and constructive journalism / Unni From and Nete Nørgaard Kristensen -- Idealised authenticity: analysing Jean Baudrillard's theory of simulation and its applicability to food coverage in city magazines / Joy Jenkins and Amanda Hinnant -- Journalism without news: the beauty journalist private/professional self in The guardian's "Below the line" comments / Lucía Vodanovic -- Experience, consumption and identity. Reconciling religion and consumerism: Islamic lifestyle media in Turkey / Feyda Sayan-Cengiz -- Travel journalists as cultural mediators: a qualitative discourse analysis on the "othering" of Anthony Bourdain's Parts unknown / Aaron McKinnon -- The impact of social media in lifestyle journalism in Mexico: serving citizens versus creating consumers / Sergio Rodríguez-Blanco and Dalia Cárdenas-Hernández -- New players and lifestyle actors. Communicative value chains: fashion bloggers and branding agencies as cultural intermediaries / Arturo Arriagada and Francisco Ibañez -- Are food bloggers a new kind of influencer? / Sidonie Naulin -- Agents of change: the parallel roles of trend forecaster and lifestyle journalists as mediators and tastemakers in consumer culture / Sabrina Faramarzi -- Lifestyle, consumerism and branding. Food and journalism: storytelling about gastronomy in newspapers from the U.S. and Spain / Francesc Fusté-Forné and Pere Masip -- Travel journalism and the sharing economy: AirBnbmag and sourcing / Bryan Pirolli -- Lifestyle journalism as brand practice: the cases of Uniqlo and Abercrombie & Fitch / Myles Ethan Lascity.

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Lifestyle Journalism: Social Media, Consumption and Experience



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Lifestyle journalism: social media, consumption and experience

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