
Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare



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The third edition offers new and more established ways to approach community building and organizing, from collaborating with communities on assessment and issue selection to using the power of social media to enhance the effectiveness of such work. Numerous case studies ranging from childhood obesity to immigrant worker rights to health care reform are provided as well as a "tool kit" of appendixes that includes guidelines for assessing coalition effectiveness, exercises for critical reflection on power and privilege, and such training tools as "policy bingo.".

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Community organizing and community building for health and social equity

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Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Social Equity, 4th Edition



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Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Social Equity, 4th edition

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Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Social Equity, 4th edition

Akemi Piatt, Amber; Asari, Marisa Ruiz; Avila, Magdalena; Bazell, Nickie; Beaulieu, Lionel J.; Becker, Adam B.; Blanchard, Lynn; Bluethenthal, Anne; Butterfoss, Frances D.; Butterfross, Frances Dunn; Cacari Stone, Lisa; Came, Heather; Catalani, Caricia; Chang, Charlotte Yu-Ting; Chang, Charlotte; Chen, Roxana; Coleman, Wayland X.; Coleman, Wayland; Coombe, Chris M.; Corburn, Jason; Cuestas, Shaddai Martinez; Dorfman, Lori; Eng, Eugenia; Epstein, Nancy; Estrada, Jessica; Falbe, Jennifer; Farquhar, Stephanie A.; Gonzalez, Prisila; Griffin, Joseph; Griffith, Derek M; Griffith, Derek M.; Grover, Leslie; Gutiérrez, Lorraine M.; Gutiérrez, Lorraine; Hancock, Trevor; Hennesey; Hennessey Lavery, Susana; Hines, Reva; Homan, Mark S.; Hyde, Cheryl A.; Israel, Barbara A.; Iton, Antony B.; Johnson, Whitney; Kegler, Michelle C.; Kirschenbaum, Josh; Kretzmann, John P.; Labonté, Ronald; Lacet, Blishda; Lee, Pam Tau; Lewis, Edith A.; Lifshay, Jennifer; Linnan, Laura A.; Linnan, Laura; Liu, Shaw San; Martinson, Marty; McKnight, John L.; Minkler, Meredith; Minkler, Meredith; Mitchell, Christine; Morello-Frosch, Rachel; Morgan, Mary Anne; Ni, Angela; Obama, Barack; Parker, Edith A.; Passmore, Susan R.; Pastor, Manuel; Pies, Cheri A.; Pinsky, Clara; Rebanal, R. David; Roe, Kathleen M.; Rowe, Zachary; Ruiz Asari, Marisa; Salvatore, Alicia L.; Sanchez-Youngman, Shannon; Schulz, Amy J.; Sen, Rinku; Shulz, Amy J.; Staples, Lee; Stone, Lisa Cacari; Su, Celina; Themba, Makani; Thomas, Stephen B.; Torre, Maria Elena; Torre, María Elena; Vandommelen-Gonzalez, Evan; Visser, Dierde; Visser, Dierdre; Wakimoto, Patricia; Wakimoto, Patricia; Wallerstein, Nina; Wolff, Tom; Wysen, Kirsten



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Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare



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