
EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education: Tie'2017

In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Ser. v.532



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Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Credits -- Part I Education: Effective Approaches in Learning and Teaching Creativity and Innovation -- CSF Dream Academy: Using Fiction, Cardboard and Simple Electrical Circuits as Educational Tools to Lift Disadvantaged Children Out of the Poverty Trap -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Science Fiction Prototyping -- 3 Dream México -- 3.1 Methodology -- 4 Preliminary Results -- 4.1 Feedback and Perception of the Participants -- Perception of the Workshop -- Learning -- Enjoyment -- Motivation and Engagement -- 4.2 Discussion of Results -- 5 Conclusions and Future Work -- References -- Using a Creative Science Approach for Teaching Englishas a Foreign Language to Postgraduate Students -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Literature Review -- 3 Methodology Proposed -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusions and Future Work -- References -- Creating Content for Educational Testing Using a WorkflowThat Supports Automatic Item Generation -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Emerging Testing Technology of Item Generation -- 3 How Can Item Generation Promote Organizational Innovation -- 3.1 Stage 1: Create Stems, Elements, and Options -- 3.2 Stage 2: Build Item Model in IGOR -- 3.3 Stage 3: Conduct Item and Model Quality Review -- 3.4 Stage 4: Add Themes and Expand Item Models -- 3.5 Stage 5: Generate All Items and Export to Bank -- 4 Results -- 5 Conclusions -- References -- Alternative Learning Experiences: An Innovative Project Stimulating Creative Faculty of Humanities Students -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Research Objectives -- 2 Literature Review -- 2.1 Active Learning -- 2.2 Twenty-First Century Skills -- 2.3 Graduate Job Market in Asia and Bangladesh -- 2.4 Wagner's Seven Survival Skills -- 2.5 Task-Based Language Teaching -- 3 Research Design and Methodology -- 3.1 This Study and Its Implication -- 4 Summary of Findings -- 4.1 Impact of Findings on My Teaching.

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