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Intro -- Dedication -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- About the Author -- Chapter 1: AIDS Awareness and Behaviour Change: An Interdisciplinary Perspective -- References -- Chapter 2: Pedagogy, Power and the Subject of Disease Control -- 2.1 Pedagogy, Ideology, Subjectivity: Freire and Althusser -- 2.2 Pedagogy and the Disciplining of Embodied Subjects: Foucault -- 2.3 Representing Disease: The Social Construction of Reality -- 2.4 Language and the Body in Pain -- 2.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Incipient Pedagogy I: AIDS in the National Media -- 3.1 Discursive Construction of AIDS in the Indian Media -- 3.2 Theory of Foreign Origin -- 3.3 Ordering Disorder: Profiling the Nation's "Other" -- 3.4 Imag(in)ing the "AIDS Victim" -- 3.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Incipient Pedagogy (II): AIDS Narratives -- 4.1 Disease Versus Illness -- 4.2 Representing Disease and Illness -- 4.3 The Disease Travelogue: Sex, Lies and AIDS and Positive Lives -- 4.4 AIDS Sutra: Living with the Virus -- 4.5 Narrative and the System of Norms -- 4.6 "Innocent Victims": A Dove in Desert, Nidaan, Ek Alag Mausam -- 4.7 Disease as Culpability: Phir Milenge and My Brother… Nikhil -- 4.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5: AIDS and the Enigma of Law -- 5.1 Structure and Process in Law -- 5.2 Law and the Enigma of Biopolitics -- 5.3 Segregating the Diseased: Lucy D'Souza V. State of Goa -- 5.4 Suspended Rights: Mr. X V. Hospital Z -- 5.5 Disease as Contagion: Dhirendra Pandua V. State of Orissa -- 5.6 Interpretation and Indeterminacy in Law -- 5.7 The Enigma of Corporeal Justice: M. Vijaya V. Chairman and Managing Director, Singareni Collieries -- 5.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: AIDS Awareness Campaigns: Pedagogy as Strategy -- 6.1 Paradigms of Public Health -- 6.2 Health Education, Expert Knowledge and the Shaping of Subjectivity.
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