
Between science and religion: the engagement of Catholic intellectuals with science and technology in the twentieth century



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Introduction -- The transformation -- Charting a course -- The legacy of modernist crisis -- The threat of modernism -- The crisis within the church -- The legacy of modernism -- Jacques Maritain's search for wisdom (1882-1973) -- A relentless quest -- The destruction of the medieval synthesis -- A philosophy of nature -- Science and society -- A postscript on evolution -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and the operation of the divine in the universe -- The quest for the absolute -- The mature vision -- Cultural challenges -- The problem of being between religion and science -- Bernard Lonergan's (1904-1984) cognitive project -- Intellectual formation -- The role of Aquinas -- An integrated vision -- A critique of science and technology -- Thomas Merton's (1915-1968) contemplative critique -- How to understand Merton -- Technology invades the cloister -- A prophetic assessment of the techno-scientific culture -- Balance and the future of humanity -- The transformative century -- Boundary testing -- The winding path -- Progeny -- The path of critical openness -- Guideposts for the journey -- Concluding reflections

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Between science and religion: the engagement of Catholic intellectuals with science and technology in the twentieth century



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Between science and religion: the engagement of Catholic intellectuals with science and technology in the twentieth century

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