
The euro crisis in the media: journalistic coverage of economic crisis and European institutions

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10 -- European Journalism or Many Journalisms? Influences of Media Systems and Journalistic CulturesEuropean Journalism or Many Journalisms? Influences of Media Systems and Journalistic Cultures; Where is the Coverage Taking Europe?; 11 -- Unity or Heterogeneity: The Promise of a European Public Sphere?; Unity or Heterogeneity: The Promise of a European Public Sphere?; 12 -- Conclusions; Conclusions; Notes; Notes; Bibliography; Bibliography; Appendix 1: Description of Methods; Appendix 1: Description of Methods; Appendix 2: List of Variables; Appendix 2: List of Variables.

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The euro crisis in the media: journalistic coverage of economic crisis and European institutions

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The Euro Crisis in the Media: Journalistic Coverage of Economic Crisis and European Institutions

In: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Ser.



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I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd in association with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford


9780755694990, 9781784530594, 0857729055, 9780857729057, 9780857727015, 085772701X

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