
The Electronic Health Record



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Cover -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 - The nature of electronic health records -- Introduction -- Health and records in the realm of health care -- Health records themselves -- Signs, data, information, and logical spaces -- Signs -- Understood causally -- Understood conventionally -- Signs and data -- Data-space and information-space -- Diagnosis as tracing a path through information-space -- Decision-space -- EHRs and patient analogues -- Patient profiles -- Patients, EHRs, and isomorphs -- Paper-based records, EHRs, and patient analogues -- Patients and EHRs -- Some implications -- Chapter 2 - From ethical principles to information ethics -- Introduction -- Ethical principles in general -- Legitimacy -- Binding force -- Consistency -- Derivation -- Ethics and EHRs -- When is the treatment of something appropriate? -- What constitutes ethically appropriate treatment? -- Definitions of "ethics" -- Religiously based ethics -- Social consensus-based ethics -- Legally based ethics -- Tradition-based ethics -- Philosophically based ethics -- Ethics as framework -- Persons -- Rights and duties -- The principles of ethics -- Principle of Autonomy -- Principle of Equality -- Principle of Impossibility -- Principle of Integrity -- Principle of Beneficence -- Principle of Non-Malfeasance -- Principles of information ethics -- Principle of Information Privacy and Disposition -- Principle of Openness -- Principle of Access -- Principle of Security -- Principle of Legitimate Infringement -- Principle of the Least Intrusive Alternative -- Principle of Accountability -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3 - Ownership, privacy, and related issues -- Introduction -- Ownership -- Patient data and patient profiles -- EHRs, patient profiles, and appropriation of personality -- Privacy -- Some conditions and limitations.

Weitere Versionen:


ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD: ethical considerations



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft




Elsevier Science & Technology



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