
Shari'a and politics in modern Indonesia

In: ISEAS series on Islam



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Shari'a and politics in modern Indonesia -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Contributors -- Glossary -- 1. Introduction: the state and Shari'a in the perspective of Indonesian legal politics by Arskal Salim and Azyumardi Azra -- 2. Law and politics in post-independence Indonesia: a case study of religious and Adat courts by Ratno Llukito -- 3. The state and Shari'a in Indonesia by M. B. Hooker -- 4. The state's legal policy and the development of Islamic law in Indonesia's new order by Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis -- 5. The Indonesian marriage law of 1974: an institutionalization of the Shari'a for social changes by Azyumardi Azra -- 6. Indonesia's 1989 religious judicature act: islamization of Indonesia or indonesianization of Islam? by Mark Cammack -- 7. The political backdrop of the enactment of the compilation of Islamic laws in Indonesia by Ahmad imam Mawardi -- 8. Islamizing capitalism: on the founding of Indonesia's first Islamic bank by Robert W. Hefner -- 9. Fatwa and politics in Indonesia by Nadirsyah Hosen -- 10. Zakat administration in politics of Indonesian new order by Arskal Salim -- 11. Islamic values, law and expectations in contemporary Indonesia by Howard Federspiel -- 12. Epilogue: Shari'a in Indonesia's current transition: an update by Arskal Salim -- Appendices -- Appendix I: The law of the republic of Indonesia number 1 of the year 1974 on marriage -- Appendix II: The law of the republic of Indonesia number 7 of the year 1989 on the religious judicature -- Appendix III: The presidential instruction of the republic of Indonesia number 1 of the year 1991 on the compilation of Islamic laws -- Appendix IV: Government regulation no. 28 of the year 1977 on waqf of lands with the right of ownership -- Bibliography -- Index.

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Shari'a and Politics in Modern Indonesia



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World Affairs Online




Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


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