
Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions

In: Cochrane book series

In: Wiley Cochrane Ser.



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Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- Part 1 Core methods -- Chapter 1 Starting a review -- 1.1 Why do a systematic review? -- 1.2 What is the review question? -- 1.3 Who should do a systematic review? -- 1.4 The importance of reliability -- 1.5 Protocol development -- 1.6 Data management and quality assurance -- 1.7 Chapter information -- 1.8 References -- Chapter 2 Determining the scope of the review and the questions it will address -- 2.1 Rationale for well-formulated questions -- 2.2 Aims of reviews of interventions -- 2.3 Defining the scope of a review question -- 2.4 Ensuring the review addresses the right questions -- 2.5 Methods and tools for structuring the review -- 2.6 Chapter information -- 2.7 References -- Chapter 3 Defining the criteria for including studies and how they will be grouped for the synthesis -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Articulating the review and comparison PICO -- 3.3 Determining which study designs to include -- 3.4 Eligibility based on publication status and language -- 3.5 Chapter information -- 3.6 References -- Chapter 4 Searching for and selecting studies -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 General issues -- 4.3 Sources to search -- 4.4 Designing search strategies -- 4.5 Documenting and reporting the search process -- 4.6 Selecting studies -- 4.7 Chapter information -- 4.8 References -- Chapter 5 Collecting data -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Sources of data -- 5.3 What data to collect -- 5.4 Data collection tools -- 5.5 Extracting data from reports -- 5.6 Extracting studyresultsandconverting tothedesired format -- 5.7 Managing and sharing data -- 5.8 Chapter information -- 5.9 References -- Chapter 6 Choosing effect measures and computing estimates of effect -- 6.1 Types of data and effect measures -- 6.2 Study designs and identifying the unit of analysis.

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Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions

In: Cochrane book series

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Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions

In: Cochrane book series



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions

In: Wiley Cochrane



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