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Cover -- CONTENTS -- STATE-OWNED COMMERCIAL BANK: PERFORMANCE, ISSUES AND REFORMS -- A. Introduction -- B. Bangladesh's Experience with State-Owned Banks -- C. Comparative Performance of Banks in Bangladesh -- D. Causes of SOCBs' Poor Performance -- E. Previous Efforts to Improve SOCBs' Performance -- F. Policy Recommendations and Conclusions -- References -- FIGURES -- 1. Banking Sector Structure -- 2. State-Owned Banks' Asset Share, 2010 -- 3. Bank Loans by Industry -- 4. Non Performing Loans to Total Loans -- 5. Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio -- 6. Bank Profitability Indicators -- 7. Bank Provisioning -- 8. Bank Deposit and Lending Rates -- TABLES -- 1. Interest Margin and Profitability -- 2. Loan Definition and Deliquency Periods -- NATIONAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES AND BUDGET FINANCING -- A. Introduction -- B. Recent History of NSC Issuance -- C. Alternative Interest Cost Scenario with Continued High NSC Issuance -- D. Possible Measures to Address the NSC Problem -- E. Conclusion -- References -- FIGURES -- 1. Budgeted and Actual Budget Domestic Financing -- 2. Monthly Sales of NSCs -- 3. Inflation and Yields -- 4. NSCs, Budget Financing and Government Debt -- 5. Government Debt and Interest Payments -- 6. Banking Sector Deposits and Credit -- 7. Interest Payments on Domestic Government Debt -- TABLES -- 1. FY 17 Additional Borrowing Costs from NSC Issuance -- 2. Interest Costs from Additional Issuance -- ANNEXES -- I. National Savings Certificates - Overview -- II. Pakistan's Reform of Savings Certificates -- EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION -- A. Why Diversification? -- B. Status of Export Diversification -- C. What can Help Diversification? -- D. Towards More Diversification -- References.

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