
Mapping sustainable textile initiatives: And a potential roadmap for a Nordic actionplan



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Intro -- Contents -- Summary -- Preface -- Introduction -- Definitions and limitations -- Abbreviations -- 1. Inspiration -- 1.1 The four Rs -- 1.1.1 REPLACE: DDT (Design Destined forTrash) with W2W (Wonderful to Wear) -- 1.1.2 REDUCE: CWCW (Chemicals, Water, CO2 and Waste), implement IRS (Intelligent Resource Stewardship) -- 1.1.3 REDIRECT: OSG (Off-shoring globally) to OSL (On-shoring locally) -- 1.1.4 RETHINK: ED (Excluding design), implementing ID (Including design) -- 1.2 Replace -- 1.2.1 Discussion and Dilemmas -- 1.3 Reduce -- 1.3.1 Discussion and dilemmas -- 1.4 Redirect -- 1.4.1 Discussion and dilemmas -- 1.5 Rethink -- 1.5.1 Discussion and dilemmas -- 1.6 Conclusions -- 2. Stakeholder views -- 2.1 Important findings -- 2.3.1 Ability, knowledge and willingness to change -- 2.3.2 Acquisition -- 2.3.3 Disposal phase -- 2.4 Consumer perspectives in five European countries -- 2.4.1 Consumer preferences and intentions -- 2.4.2 Reported practices -- 2.4.3 Best strategies -- 2.4.4 Main findings -- 2.5 Other stakeholders -- 2.5.1 Conclusion: Sustainability in the textile value chain -- 2.6 Quality requirements in eco-labels -- 3. Methodology development -- 3.1 Framework of focus areas -- 3.1.1 Sustainable Textiles Landscape -- 3.2 Initiative Matrix Template -- 3.2.1 Evaluation overview -- 3.2.2 Methodology for Evaluation A -- 3.2.3 Methodology for Evaluation C -- 3.2.4 The Initiative Matrix Template -- 4. Mapping of initiatives -- 4.1 Limitations -- 4.2 International -- 4.2.1 Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) -- 4.2.2 Higgs Index -- 4.2.3 Roadmap to Zero Discharge of harmful Chemicals (Ø ZDHC) -- 4.2.4 Better Mill Initiative (New initiative) -- 4.2.5 ECO TLC -- 4.2.6 Natural Capital Coalition (NCC) -- 4.2.7 UN Global Compact Sector Specific Code of Conduct -- 4.2.8 LAUNCH and LAUNCH Nordic -- 4.2.9 The Sustainable Consortium.

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Mapping sustainable textile initiatives

In: TemaNord

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Nordic Council of Ministers



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