
The lost brothers: a family's decades-long search

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"Sixty-six years ago, three brothers from North Minneapolis disappeared on a November afternoon and were never seen again. Based on a single cap found on the ice of the Mississippi River, investigators determined that Kenneth, Jr. (age 8), David (age 6), and Daniel (age 4) had drowned and closed the case immediately. Their parents, Betty and Kenneth Klein, weren't convinced by this hasty conclusion and never stopped looking for their boys, who they believed had been abducted--though their pleas to reopen the case year after year remained unsuccessful. Fifty-three years later, in 2014, an investigator named Jessica Miller and the Wright County Sheriff, with the help of the FBI, convinced the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to reopen the case based on their investigations which turned up information never found or considered by the original investigators. Miller and her concluded this was in fact a likely abduction, and identified a prime suspect (now deceased). It is one of the oldest criminal cold cases in US history to be reopened"--

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University of Minnesota Press


9781517907501, 9781452961002

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