
Value Driven Healthcare and Geriatric Medicine: Implications for Today's Changing Health System



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Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgment -- Contents -- About the Author -- Chapter 1: Value-Based Healthcare Transformation -- With Respect to Access -- With Regard to Quality of Care -- With Regard to Cost Control -- Will the Control of Healthcare Costs Be Lasting? -- References -- Chapter 2: Quality Indicators, Outcomes, and Performance Pay -- Quality in Long-Term Care -- Quality in Home Health Care -- Quality in Hospital Care -- Quality Among Physicians -- Quality in Hospital Care -- Quality Process Measures and Outcome Measures -- References -- Chapter 3: Are the Drivers of Healthcare Change Changing Healthcare Outcomes? -- Forces of Change -- Evidence for Quality Improvement -- Shifting of Risk -- References -- Chapter 4: Value-Based Healthcare Purchasing -- Core Measurements for Healthcare Systems -- Guiding Principles for Quality Outcomes -- Risk Assessment -- Developing the Tools for Evaluation -- Quality Outcomes Assessment: Patient- Reported Outcomes -- References -- Chapter 5: New Models of Healthcare Delivery -- Effective Care -- The Scope of Change -- Delivery Models -- Care Models for High-Need Patients -- References -- Chapter 6: Educating New Healthcare Providers for the Twenty-First Century -- The Landscape -- Educational Strategy -- References -- Chapter 7: The Primary Care Dilemma -- Why Do We Have a Primary Care Problem? -- Predicting the Extent of Need for Primary Care -- Government and Organized Medicine Physician Responses -- Non-physician Approaches -- An Integrated Approach -- Regulatory Approach -- References -- Chapter 8: Transitions of Care -- Scope of the Issue -- Models to Improve Transitions of Care -- Performance Objectives Drive Behavior -- Long-Term Care Insurance -- References -- Chapter 9: Dual Eligibles: Challenges for Medicare and Medicaid Coordination -- Scope of the Problem -- References.

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